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4 Things That Happened When We Switched Our Overweight Pup to The Farmer’s Dog

ByTiffany ShultsMar 26, 2024In Partnership With The Farmer's Dog

Six weeks ago, I switched my 4 year old Corgi to The Farmer’s Dog as an attempt to get him to lose a bit of weight, and I have officially decided I will never be going back to dry kibble again. ❌

Not only did switching his food to The Farmer’s Dog support his weight loss journey, but we have noticed so many improvements overall.

Here are the 4 things that happened when we switched our overweight pup to The Farmer’s Dog:

1. Weight Management – Nearly 3 pounds down!

Before | After – Individual results may vary

My initial draw to The Farmer’s Dog was to help Chance lose a bit of weight. I started his weight loss journey at the beginning of 2023, first by testing “healthy weight” kibble brands, but saw no results. We were struggling to find any kibble to manage his weight that didn’t require cutting his serving sizes significantly. And Chance was not a fan.

I chose to try The Farmer’s Dog due to their fresh-food recipes that are packed with healthy and nutritious ingredients, with recipes that are complete and balanced for dogs.

Before starting The Farmer’s Dog, Chance weighed 42.3 lbs, which is about 8 lbs higher than the vet recommends for his Corgi stature. After 6 weeks on The Farmer’s Dog, Chance is down to 39.5 lbs–nearly 3 lbs lost!

Chance lost weight by eating high-quality, nutrient-rich meals, not cutting his portions. If anything, his portions on The Farmer’s Dog seem larger than the portions he was getting with dry kibble. Now, Chance is happier and healthier than ever.

2. Chance has so much more energy!

Chance has always been a pup known for getting the “zoomies,” but those were taken to a whole new level when he began eating The Farmer’s Dog. He has not been this energetic or playful since he was a puppy, and it’s so exciting to see him running all around, playing (or shall I say destroying) with every toy in sight.

Instead of his energy coming in bursts, I’ve noticed he has better long-term endurance that lasts him throughout the day. Corgis are a high-energy breed, and I was thrilled to see him acting a little more like he should.

If I knew it would only cost me $4 a day to get my lively pup back, I would have tried this food a long time ago! 🐾

3. Say goodbye to allergies

Living in Texas, the summer allergies are absolutely horrid here, and Chance has always gotten hit pretty hard with them. Typically, I include an allergy capsule in his food daily, but sometimes they get so bad that it does not seem to help.

Since starting The Farmer’s Dog, I have noticed that Chance’s allergies have become much more mild—especially his itchy skin. Previously, I would find him very often rubbing against against furniture or rolling in the grass, but that has become much less frequent these past 6 weeks.

4. I’m feeding Chance smarter…NOT HARDER

I cannot tell you the amount of times that I forgot to buy dog food at the grocery store and was left with nothing for Chance at mealtime. I would have to put on my “dog chef” hat and get to work scrounging the kitchen for things to make him in my pantry that are safe for dogs to eat.

With The Farmer’s Dog, they take the “thinking” part off the table by auto-shipping fresh, frozen-for-shipping meals within days of being cooked. This has been amazing for Chance because he always has a balanced and delicious meal available to him, and I am not at risk of creating any upset tummies by playing dog chef on my own.

If you are considering trying The Farmer’s Dog…

DO IT! 🐕

I have had the most amazing experience since switching my pup to The Farmer’s Dog and I recommend it to everyone. Whether you have a specific reason for trying to lose weight, or just want to try out food that is healthier for your dog, now is the time!